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We are used to the fact that cats either peacefully purr on our laps or don’t pay any attention to us at all and live strictly for their ...

We are used to the fact that cats either peacefully purr on our laps or don’t pay any attention to us at all and live strictly for their own pleasure. And dogs are just always happy to see us. But sometimes, system errors occur, and our pets start to behave strangely. What else would explain a dog trying to sit on a wall. And it’s better to not even mention cats who try to turn into bats.
We at Bright Side understand that everyone has a right to have their own little quirks. And when it comes to pets, the most important thing is to be quick enough to take their picture before they move.

He was at the epicenter of the disaster. But it was so cozy there, that he fell asleep while sitting up.

We love our dogs, we even consider them as important parts of our families, and we care for them so much. But sometimes, and withou...

We love our dogs, we even consider them as important parts of our families, and we care for them so much.

But sometimes, and without realizing it, our actions can hurt them.

Here are some things you should avoid doing to your dog:

#1 Leaving Harmful Objects Around Him 

Dogs are known to be curious, and like exploring all sorts of things; they can chew and swallow whatever they dig up.

If not supervised, they can get themselves in serious trouble; so never leave harmful and dangerous objects around them, because you don't want your dog having something stuck in his throat, or eating something poisonous.

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#2 Skipping worming and flea treatments 

Never do that! And don't self-diagnose or auto-treat your dog.

Parasites like ticks, fleas, and worms may seem small, but they are dangerous, and they can affect your dog’s skin, vital organs, and immune system.

#3 Always Yelling at your dog 

Dogs don't understand our language, so yelling at them when they do something bad is not the best thing to do.

Yelling at them will only scare and confuse them.

#4 Neglecting your dog’s teeth 

 Regular teeth care is a must for dogs.

Just like humans, dogs get food stuck between their teeth, on gums and teeth walls, brushing them is needed to keep their teeth healthy.

In addition to brushing, you can get your dog a special plastic bone; it can help him clean his teeth while having fun at the same time, and by doing so, save you a lot of vet money.

Also, regular visits to the vet are crucial to follow up with your dog's oral health.

#5 Letting Your dog Eat Everything 

Dogs can't eat everything, some foods might be poisonous for them, so you should be careful about what you give them.

You should as well avoid overfeeding them, dogs don't know when to stop and it can lead to overweight.

This is the list of some foods that are not recommended for dogs.

- Onions contain ''Thiosulphate'' which is toxic for dogs.

- Tomatoes can cause ''Solanine toxicity'' that can be fatal - Citrus foods can upset your dog's stomach - Macadamia nuts - Grapes and raisins - Garlic - Avocados - Xylitol

#6 Leaving Your Dog Alone In A Car

Even if the weather is cold, a car can heat quickly, in fact, a car's temperature can rise by 20 degrees in just 10 minutes, so a dog should never be left alone in it.

Dogs don't sweat like you, so, their body temperature can rise quickly if left alone in a car ant that can lead to deadly consequences.

Signs of overheating: - Excessive drooling - Excessive Wheezing - Looking furious and mad - If they start vomiting, then it’s an emergency!

#7 Choosing The Wrong Collar 

A dog's collar is a necessary accessory of his body, as he will have to wear it all day.

Be sure to choose one that fits your dog perfectly, not too loose and not too tight.

If your dog is playful, loves exploring, then it's better to get him a harness because the collar can cause serious damage to his neck if you try to pull him too hard.

#8 Ear cropping and tail docking 

Some owners crop their dog's ears and dock their tails for purely aesthetic purposes, just to give them more desirable looks, it's nothing but physical and psychological mutilation for our beloved creatures.

Cropping a dog's ears or docking his tail can make it hard for his owner to understand what his puppy is trying to tell him, and difficult to communicate with other dogs, as ears and tail are a big part of a dog's body language.

In addition to that, docking a dog's tail can make him develop a neuroma or a nerve tumor.

Many European countries, Australia and Canada have banned ear cropping, and hopefully, all other countries will join soon.

#9 Tapping on your dog’s nose 

Dogs' noses are very sensitive, they are loaded with thousands of nerve endings and that makes them one of the most delicate parts of their bodies.

Tapping your dog's nose for correction or just for fun may provoke fear that can lead to him being aggressive as a form of self-defense in the long term.

#10 Taking your dog’s food away 

When in an eating dog pack and some are done feeding, they never disturb the ones that are still eating.

Taking your dog's food away or disturbing him while eating may result in some serious issues, as it can make him aggressive, defensive and insecure.

Meanwhile, you can supervise your dog closely without annoying or troubling him, it will make him feel more confident and less insecure.

#11 Dressing your dog 

Dressing your dog in bright colors might seem cute and funny, but, by doing so, you will make it hard for him to socialize with other animals, in fact, bright colors in the animal world are considered poisonous.

In addition to that, some clothes can be too tight or made from unbreathable fabrics, and that can make your pet feel uncomfortable.

Dangerous, Unruly, Aggressive, A threat to society. These are just some of the adjectives that certain dog’s breeds have been called at so...

Dangerous, Unruly, Aggressive, A threat to society. These are just some of the adjectives that certain dog’s breeds have been called at some point in their history.

Most of the time, when you see an aggressive dog it wasn’t born that way. Dogs become aggressive for a number of reasons. Normally, their aggression is born of fear or possessiveness for example: many dog owners punish aggressive dogs with aggressive behaviour themselves. Rather than the dog learning to behave from this form of punishment, they learn that aggression is an accepted response.

If you're looking to add a dog to your life, before you buy into the bad-dog hype, it's important to know about these misunderstood dog breeds.

1. Pit Bulls

image source : pexels.com

The pit bull has become now the most persecuted dog breed in the United States. Many other countries ban pit bulls as a dangerous breed but there’s no science that bears that idea out.

However he just recently gained that reputation as it was one called “the nanny dog”. He used to be known as a gentle family dog, capable of being trusted to watch children. Which is what attracted people seeking to exploit the pit bulls' numerous qualities such as fierce loyalty, high intelligence, and courage.

2. German Shepherds

German shepherds are smart, massive and they’re often seen on television alongside a police officer attacking someone on the run, so it's no wonder this breed gets a bad reputation for being overly aggressive.

German Shepherds are loyal, brave, and extremely faithful companions, but positive socialization and training are vital to developing trust and loyalty with your pup.

3. Rottweilers

As he's known for his strong body and big teeth, it's easy for the people to be wary of the Rottweiler but people who love Rottweilers know that they’re loyal, Calm, courageous, and love to work.

Rottweilers are known to be ideal companions for children, providing a watchful eye over their loved one. Also known for their intelligence, the breed is easily trained to follow commands. Like most dogs, responsible ownership of animals is essential to ensure that your dog is loving and not aggressive.

4. Boxers

Boisterous, playful, and energetic, Boxers have a lot of energy and their type of hard play can sometimes be mistaken as aggression.

While they may be too rough to babysit your toddler, boxers can be fine family dogs if you can provide enough exercise and training to control their wildness when young.

You should only adopt a boxer if you have the time to dedicate to making sure this dog gets regular exercise and playtime

5. Doberman Pinschers

The Dobie's fierce reputation precedes him. He is feared by those who don't know him, stereotyped as highly aggressive and vicious

They are very strong and muscular and their ears are often cropped to stand erect. But that tough exterior hides a very sensitive dog that can have anxiety if left behind by his owners.

Doberman pinschers are affectionate and sweet with people, if socialized and trained properly. They are loyal to their owners and are good with children if raised with them.

6. Beagles

Beagles are widely considered to be good with other pets and children. They are cheerful dogs that like affection. They prefer company, however, and if left alone, may howl and be destructive. 

Beagles also a powerful sense of smell which lakes them prone to wander off  in pursuit of something. Care must be taken to prevent them from wandering off into harm's way by keeping them contained in a fenced-in yard or on a leash when outside of the house.

They are also extremely food lovers so make sure to keep all human food out of reach.

7. Border Collies

Border collies are highly intelligent, learn quickly and respond well to praise. But If confined without activity and company, these dogs can become unhappy and destructive.

Border collies are extremely energetic dogs need proper physical and mental exercise so they can be difficult pets for owners who don't know how to properly train them.

8. Poodles

Poodles are known for their intelligence and ease of training which makes one of the most desirable dogs by home owners. They are lively, active, fun-loving dogs with a sense of the ridiculous. 

Poodles thrive on attention and can develop bad habits such as nuisance barking if ignored or left alone. However the smaller poodles can be aggressive to people outside their families or to other dogs so they need early training and socialization to avoid aggressive behaviour.

9. Chihuahuas

Chihuahuas are tiny they’re renowned for being the world's smallest dogs, but they may well have the world's biggest personality stashed inside that tiny body. 

Chihuahuas can be very protective of their owner which makes them come as fierce dogs, but a good training and early socialization with other dogs and people is all it takes to make them calm and well behaved.

Overall many breeds are labelled as aggressive and dangerous just because of their owner’s ignorance of their needs and special training necessities. So if you want a dog make sure to thoroughly research all his traits and needs before you make that decision.

If you don’t feel confident about your ability to fulfil those needs they are many lazy dog breeds who would gladly couch with you.

Dogs are wonderful companions. They offer us unconditional love, and so much more. So it's only fair that we reward their commitment b...

Dogs are wonderful companions. They offer us unconditional love, and so much more. So it's only fair that we reward their commitment by caring for them and their needs.

There are many things that our dogs can do on their own, but some other things can't be done without our help.

Here are 10 things that our dogs can't deal with alone:

1. Watching your pet's waistline

image source : Dummies.com

Dogs can not understand what overeating or taking unhealthy foods can lead to. So, it's our job to set up a healthy, regulated and suitable meal plan for them.

And let's not forget about the importance of physical activity, as it helps the dog to keep in shape, prevent digestion and attitude problems.

2. Keep your dog away from toxic foods and chemicals

image source : www.aspca.org
Certain foods and chemicals are very toxic and can be life-threatening for our dogs. As their guardians, we have to know which things to share with them and which to ban.

The ASPCA: ''Animal Poison Control Center'' is available 24/7. Just call (888) 426-4435

3. Dental health

image source : https://commons.wikimedia.org

Giving your dog proper dental care, and cleaning regularly his teeth prevents dental problems and gum diseases. Recent studies have shown that dental diseases can lead to heart, kidneys and liver damage.

Regular visits to the veterinarian help you preserve your dog's dental health, but of course, they have to be associated with daily oral hygiene at home.

Don't forget that a healthy mouth = a healthy body!

4. Bathing and grooming

image source : www.maxpixel.net

If you have a dog, you must know about bathing care and grooming.

Bathing your dog, brushing and grooming him regularly is an important side of pet care, as it keeps him clean, with a healthy coat and skin. Moreover, when bathing and grooming your dog, you have the chance to search for anomalies like dandruff, itchy and dry skin, infections... and get them treated in time.

Regular toenail trims are important as well since overgrown nails can cause pain, and in rare cases provoke irreversible damage to your dog.

5. The ears!

image source : www.maxpixel.net

is important to keep him healthy since dogs get ear problems so often.

Stinky, itchy, and painful ears can make your dog miserable; but with regular cleaning, you can prevent him from having ear problems.

Simply lift the outer ear flap and clean debris and earwax with a cleaning cloth or an ear cleaning solution. Be gentle because your dog's ears are sensitive.

If you notice anything strange like a bad smell, or pain when cleaning, take your pet to the vet to check him out.

6. Teach your dog to socialize

image source : www.maxpixel.net
Teaching your dog to socialize is a crucial part of his training, without it, your dog will grow out to be anxious, fearful, and aggressive. Early training is the best, the sooner you start, the more likely your pooch will transform into a confident, and a great dog.

7. Set boundaries

Too many pets get lost, stolen or killed every year, especially those who are allowed to go out and wander free.

Though our dogs love chilling in fresh air, they should always be surveilled and have a reliable human around them. It's our job to set boundaries and let them know that roaming too far without our protection is not fine.

Microchipping your dog and keeping the chip's details up to date might be of great help in case he gets stolen or lost.

8. Protect your dog from nature elements

As said before, dogs enjoy playing outside, and by doing so, they can become unexpectedly involved in some unpleasant situations or even dangerous ones; for example, they can get cold or sunburned, be poisoned... It's up to us as their owners, to protect and prevent them from being hurt.

9. Visit the vet regularly

Besides vaccines and parasite prevention, your dog needs regular visits to the vet to maintain his health. You should take your pooch to the vet at least once a year to get a full check-up, let the veterinarian notice the slightest changes in your dog's appearance and attitude that could refer to other health problems.

10. Old age care

Our dogs get old eventually, and by that time, they will need our help much more than before as they will start having aches, won't be able to exercise like old times, lose their health little by little.

As their owners, we should cope with these changes, and try improving their age-related issues. Frequent visits to the vet are also important at this point since the risk for significant health problems grows with age.

No one can deny that being a dog owner makes you learn so much about them to the point of almost becoming a dog trainer yourself. You will...

No one can deny that being a dog owner makes you learn so much about them to the point of almost becoming a dog trainer yourself. You will have to teach your dog all the important skills he needs, and barking is one of those skills.  Of course, he has to first be familiar with the basics such as ''sit'', ''down'', ''stay'', ''leave it'' commands and master them before starting.

Teaching your dog to bark properly is important so you can control his vocalizations when you have to.

Here are some tips to help you succeed:

Get your dog excited
image source : https://www.sitdropstay.com
To do so, you will need a trigger to get your dog to bark; choose a game that will make your dog excited such as hide and seek, fetching...

You might even just ask someone to help you and knock at the house door or ring the doorbell.

Trick or treat
image source : https://aussiedog.com.au
Before you get started, get some delicious dog treats or something your dog loves. You should reward your dog immediately after being cooperative, so he knows that every action counts.

Waouh Waouh
image source : https://www.vetvoice.com.au
Just after capturing a single bark, reward your dog by using the clicker training and giving him a treat, if you don't have a clicker training you might just use the word ''YES''. Make sure you reward your dog for being good.

It might sound stupid, but if your dog does not bark, try barking yourself to encourage him.

image source : https://www.hirerush.com

Now that your dog knows that barking gets him treats, start naming the behavior. Say ''SPEAK'' or ''TALK'' just before he barks; also, add a hand signal to your command since dogs recognize hand commands better than vocal ones.

image source : https://www.marinij.com
Your dog now starts recognizing and associating the command/hand signal to barking. Say "SPEAK" or "TALK" and wait for him to bark, when he does, offer him a reward. Repeat the practice a few times a day until your dog masters it, and once he starts barking on cue, reduce the frequency of treats and use the command in normal day situations until he barks without waiting for treats.

Teaching your dog new skills and increasing his vocabulary is a nice way to keep his brain sharp, also it helps strengthen the bond with your dog while providing a pleasant fresh way of learning.

Have you ever got lost trying to figure out your dog's meals? What do they love? What's good for them, and what's not? I'm...

Have you ever got lost trying to figure out your dog's meals? What do they love? What's good for them, and what's not? I'm sure we all do ''as pet owners'' because when it comes to food, dogs can sometimes be selective, demanding; and like us, they have their tastes and likes.
But what are the most important things to consider before cooking our dogs' homemade food?

1. The veterinarian knows best

Feeding your dog the wrong food might poison him leading to his death, or cause him some medical issues. So, before doing anything, it's better to take advice from professionals, because they know what's best for your pet.

2. Nutrition


Nutritious contents are necessary for your dog's health, so you should have an idea about the composition of the food that you give him. The list is so long, but start with these:

A. Eggs

Eggs are very high in protein, which is necessary to give strength to the body. 

B. Vegetables

Try feeding veggies to your dog from time to time to get used to them and for their beneficial contents. For example potatoes and corn give dogs carbs for energy.

C. Animal meat and seafood

In addition to other nutritious content, meat and seafood also contain protein, and they are better served cooked. 

D. Fruits

Dogs enjoy eating fruits. Try feeding them some from time to time, because they can be healthy for them.

3. Check for allergies


Just like us, dogs can suffer from food allergies. So before setting your dog's meal plan, check for allergies, because a simple mistake can be fatal for him.

4. Picky Dogs


Get to know your dog's taste and serve him according to it.

5. Savings

Rather than being delicious and so nutritious, serving homemade food for your dog can help you save some money. Also, you can make big portions and save them for later, thus, you will save time too; genius isn't it??

6. Served portions

It depends on many factors such as the dog breed, age, weight, activity level, and health. Giving your dog the proper amount of food helps to keep him healthy. Too much or too little can lead to health problems like obesity or nutritional deficiencies.

7. Nutritious dog food

When making food for your dog, try using natural nutritious products that don't contain artificial flavors, colors, additives or preservatives. By doing so, your dog will have a healthy lifestyle. And remember, homemade food is always better, it helps with your dog's smell, skin, and even breath.

8. Food combinations

Giving your dog delicious, well-combined food helps him take great benefit from it while enjoying it at the same time.

9. Restrictions

You would love sharing all your delicious human food with your dog, but it's not all good for him. Some foods can put your dog at risk of being poisoned. So please, don't surrender to the puppy eyes your dog gives you, and say NO when needed.

If you have trouble finding ideas of homemade meals for your dog, online searching can be of great help to you. You will find so many recipes, and your only problem will be choosing one of them.

Dogs are by far the most popular family pets. They are cute, loving, offer unconditional love, companionship and loyalty to their families...

Dogs are by far the most popular family pets. They are cute, loving, offer unconditional love, companionship and loyalty to their families.

Are you thinking of getting a dog? Chances are you’ve given at least some thought to the specific breed you want and did some research about different breeds and their qualities.

Dogs may be a man's best friend, but they can also be a significant danger to children.

Here is a list below of dog breeds that are considered the most dangerous around children.

10. Akita Inu

This Japanese breed became one of the most popular due to trending videos about its cute smiley face. But unlike their appearance, these cute dogs have a definite loyal streak in them, so much so that they can present a danger to others they are not familiar with. This is why they tend to attack random children and strangers.

9. Doberman Pinscher

These dogs were originally bred to be guard dogs, this is why they can be aggressive and territorial.

And like other high energy dogs on this list, it demands both time and energy to remain stable and happy which may not be possible for people with small children.

8. Russian toy dog

These dogs are generally good-tempered lovable and cuddly, they are also easily overwhelmed by children and the stressful situations they create. So if you have a family with noisy children Russian toy dog is not recommended because they get easily stressed out, and worried, which ultimately lead to aggression.

7. Dalmatian

Dalmatians reached the peak of popularity after the Disney movie “101 Dalmatians”. However these beautiful dogs are not like they were pictured in the movie, as they are known to bite without notice, which can be very dangerous to your children.

If you consider getting this breed you should note that they should be left alone with kids not even for a second.

6. Chihuahua

Even though this breed is so tiny and small they are known to be feisty and notorious. They are also called nervous dogs, they don’t tolerate rambunctious children and tend to be aggressive around them.

This breed gets attached to their owner quickly and grows to be jealous if someone else tries to take their place. Still, Chihuahua can be trained to coexist with children. But kids also need to be taught the correct way to interact with the dog.

5. Basenji

This breed is commonly known as the dog that does not bark which makes it popular and wanted by families with children. But they are very energetic and feisty, they require a lot of training and activity as they become destructive when bored.

They also tend to attack strangers as they are quite suspicious around strangers.

The dogs are difficult to train, as their combination of  high energy and natural urge to be independent present challenges for even experienced trainers.

4. Alabai

Also known as the Central Asian Shepherd dog, this breed presents a robust dog of greater than average size with great strength and power.

Dominant by nature, the Alabai always subdue all. Partly for this reason, the owner must find a way to tame the animal and make it obey. They are also famous for their fearlessness, endurance, independence. For that reason the Alabai is considered to be dangerous around children.

3. Husky

Siberian huskies are classic northern dogs. They are intelligent but somewhat independent and stubborn, they demand a lot of care and attention as they tend to get anxious when left alone.

They are also very energetic and active which makes them dangerous for children because of their rough play and super energetic jumping around. So it is important to teach them how to react and show feelings around children.

2. Pit Bull Terrier

Pit bulls have a well-earned reputation as being the most dangerous dog breed of all. They have such a tendency towards aggression that many cities and municipalities have even taken the drastic step of banning them altogether making the ownership of a pit bull illegal.

So you might have to think twice if you want to get one if you have children.

1. Rottweiler

This big and powerful breed is rated second when it comes to human fatalities by dog attack. Although most of them are cuddly and get along with our little ones nicely, they do need extensive training and handling.

They are very protective to their families, so a child laughing and screaming while playing may seem like a sign of danger to him, which results in him attaching friends or family members.

In general proper training and early socializing for your dog is enough to prevent any incidents with your pet. On the other hand, kids also need to be taught how to respect these animals and bond with them properly as well.

And in general any breed is capable of becoming aggressive under the right circumstances.

In Thailand, a gold-hearted woman named Orawan Kaewla took the habit of helping stray dogs near her, by feeding and checking on them every...

In Thailand, a gold-hearted woman named Orawan Kaewla took the habit of helping stray dogs near her, by feeding and checking on them every day.

All Dogs she feeds and cares for, love her so much, and they show that in different ways; but a dog Kaewla named Tua Plu found a special way to thank her.

Tua Plu comes every day with his mother to Kaewla's house to say hi as well as the other dogs, and eat before going. But unlike the others, Tua Plu always comes carrying a gift to thank Kaewla for being good to him.

Newspaper, sheets of paper...Tua Plu always brings things he finds outside, he offers them to Kaewla in exchange for food.

The pictures of Tua Plu that Kaewla shared have gone so viral and many people fell in love with the little guy and got interested in adopting him; so hopefully, he will find a good home soon.

You can see how Tua Plu comes bringing a present to Kaewla in the video below:


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Can the passionate licks of your dog be a symbol of love? Ever wonder what your dog is thinking when he slurps your face like a lo...

Can the passionate licks of your dog be a symbol of love?
Ever wonder what your dog is thinking when he slurps your face like a lollipop?

Many dog lovers attribute a lot of meaning to dogs licking us, especially if we’re the sort that enjoys it – we say our dogs are giving us kisses and we interpret that as a sign of affection, but are dog kisses really a sign of affection? Or are they just after the leftovers we forgot to wipe off our chins?

In fact, there’s a lot that goes into why your dog licks your face. Here are seven of the most surprising facts about dog kisses, as well as a few surprising reasons why you might be covered in slobber right now.

Fact #1: Dogs Have Been ‘Kissing’ For 10.000 Years Now

Licking is an instinctual behaviour that puppies are exposed to at birth. Puppies kiss their mothers, since the early stages of life, this behaviours was mainly for demanding food. But this behaviour doesn’t stop at adulthood, but dogs kiss their caretakers.
Humans took the role of the caretaker over 10 000 years ago which makes them the subject of such a lovely yet disgusting behaviour.

Fact #2: Kissing Indicate Their Social Status

As adults dogs lick one another for various reasons. Dogs will lick higher-ranking pack members to show that they understand that they are a lower ranking dog.
“It is important for dogs in a pack setting to help establish a solid social structure with minimum strife” explains Dr. Khuly, adding that dog-human relationship is similar to dog-dog relationship in this context.

Fact #3: Diseases Can Be Transferred By Kissing 

It is believed that dog’s mouths are much cleaner than human’s which is a huge misconception; in fact dog’s mouths are much dirtier than it is known by general population.

Human and dog mouths have a large amount and a wide variety of bacteria. Fortunately, most of it isn’t harmful, but some are. Still, the CDC warns of the risk of catching a disease from kissing your dog such as Giardia, salmonella and staphylococcus infections. But a good hygiene and clean environment for your dog is sufficient to prevent such incidents.

Fact #4: Kissing Could Be Simply A Sensory Behaviour

Dog’s senses are more developed compared to humans, especially their olfactory system which makes them sensitive to a range of scents. Hence it’s likely that your dog just likes your smell which is enough of a reason for your pet to land a slobbery kiss on you.
There is also a chance of you getting a warm and wet kiss if you just ate something your dog considers tasty and your pet catches a whiff of it.

Fact #5: Dogs Prefer Kissing Some People More Than Others

Even though kissing is an instinct for dogs, it is also a trained behaviour. If you encourage and praise your puppy when he kisses you, he will most likely carry that behaviour into adulthood. 
In addition if you are the only person in the household that welcomes that behaviour, your dog will most likely kiss you more often than the other family members.

There are so many things that i think are crucial for a dog to learn, that’s why it has been a little challenging to come up ...

There are so many things that i think are crucial for a dog to learn, that’s why it has been a little challenging to come up with this list.
We can’t disagree that teaching your little companion tricks like «playing dead» is exciting and funny, but hey, let's not forget about the basics.

This list, in my opinion, will help your pup develop into an obedient, confident and secure dog.

1 - Respond when called 
image source : https://dogfather.tv
The most important thing to teach your dog is coming when called, it might even be a life savior someday.

You want to trust that your dog will respond immediately when you call him; so it is worth taking the time to perfect this command and exercise it often.

There are many distinct methods to teach it to your dog, but i think this is the most successful one.

Start by going indoors in a quiet, distraction-free region, put on your dog's leash; sit on the ground and ask your dog to come while slightly pulling on his leash and when he comes, praise him and reward him immediately by using tasty treats.

When you have the feeling that your dog has mastered this, try removing his leash and doing the same thing but with standing farther away.

Once he masters it in the quiet area, move to a place with distractions (dogs, food, other people...)and start over.

The come order should always be connected to good things; never call your dog to punish him or do a thing he doesn't like.


2 - House training 
image source : http://www.whosaluckydog.com

Teaching your puppy the right time and place to potty at.

House soiling is one of the top reasons dogs are abandoned or put in shelters.

Once the new puppy is home, you should start by taking him outside every 1-2 hours; no one can deny that it's a hard job to do, but the puppy will learn quickly if praised and rewarded every time he does it well.

3- Socialization
image source : https://dogsaholic.com
Let your dog explore; meet new people; other animals, and expose him to a wide variety of sights, sounds, and sensations while encouraging him so he would feel safe around them.

4 - Home alone 
image source : bhg.com.au
Puppies should learn to tolerate being alone or separated from other people and animals because separation anxiety can be a difficult issue. They may become destructive, relieve themselves wherever they want, and bark excessively for as long as they are left alone.
Once the pup is home training should begin, and i believe the puppy must learn to feel comfortable in a crate because it will help the owner a lot through the training process.
Highly emotional comings and goings must be avoided because your feelings can be transmitted to your dog.
Allow your dog to explore and learn to entertain himself, and with consistent training, he will tolerate being left alone.

5 -Chew or not to chew 
image source : https://www.petfinder.com

Puppies and adult dogs love chewing everything, and it can be very frustrating when they decide to target your furniture, shoes... and use them as their chew toys.

Helping them know the appropriate things to chew will leave you confident to give them more freedom.

Start by keeping your little companion in a controlled area with only approved items to chew on, and if you catch him chewing on something inappropriate don't punish him or yell at him, but immediately replace it with something approved.

6 - Car rides
image source : https://www.petsworld.in
and traveling Using a carrier helps to provide a safe place for the puppy, it can also be secured with a seatbelt whether you're in the car or the plane. it's better to use a carrier that is soft, comfortable and very easy to carry.

A plastic kennel would be great for the car if you have a larger dog, And finally, the crash-tested dog harness can also be used for more freedom.

The earlier you crate train your dog the easier this will be because with the security the crate provides the dog should feel calm and safe when moved to the car.

Just sit in the car without turning it on, and let your dog explore it first.

Don't forget praising and rewarding him.

When you feel that he is comfortable, turn the car on.

Try starting by short trips to a fun place like the park so that the dog associates the car with happiness.

7 - Being groomed
image source : https://www.petsworld.in
Training a puppy to cooperate and enjoy a grooming session is a must as you will be giving him frequent baths, trimming his nails, brushing his teeth and examining him.
You should start introducing him to this once he arrives home, so he can get used to being handled and feel comfortable with it.
Be gentle, start slow and let him explore, smell the items you are going to be using before you start grooming him. And don't forget to reward him for being cooperative.

8 -Table manners
image source : https://www.barewalls.com

Barking, whining, and jumping can quickly turn a pleasant meal into a little disaster.

Teach your dog to behave during meal times by placing him in sit and stay position, and making him wait until you are finished.

If he approaches you, place him back in the same position and get back to your meal.

Don't give in to his begging by the table.

Be patient and reward him for his good behavior after you finish eating.

9 -Leave it command 
image source : youtube
Just imagine your dog running over and ingesting a pill you dropped on the ground by accident; this situation can be life-threatening for him.

That's why this command is a life savior and should be taught to all dogs, but sadly dog owners oftenly overlook this command.

10 -I trust you
image source : marketingweek.com
Training your puppy to trust you takes time and requires patience.
I don't know how this is taught exactly, but i think that it comes from the time you spend with your dog playing with him, caring for him, getting him out of unpleasant situations, and protecting him.
He will grow knowing that you will be there for him when needed.He will trust you.

Training a dog can seem pretty hard as it requires time, patience, and consistency, but the sooner you start the happier you will be with your dog as he grows into a confident, trustworthy and a wonderful companion.