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Dogs are wonderful companions. They offer us unconditional love, and so much more. So it's only fair that we reward their commitment b...


10 Things Our Dogs Can’t Do By Themselves

Dogs are wonderful companions. They offer us unconditional love, and so much more. So it's only fair that we reward their commitment by caring for them and their needs.

There are many things that our dogs can do on their own, but some other things can't be done without our help.

Here are 10 things that our dogs can't deal with alone:

1. Watching your pet's waistline

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Dogs can not understand what overeating or taking unhealthy foods can lead to. So, it's our job to set up a healthy, regulated and suitable meal plan for them.

And let's not forget about the importance of physical activity, as it helps the dog to keep in shape, prevent digestion and attitude problems.

2. Keep your dog away from toxic foods and chemicals

image source : www.aspca.org
Certain foods and chemicals are very toxic and can be life-threatening for our dogs. As their guardians, we have to know which things to share with them and which to ban.

The ASPCA: ''Animal Poison Control Center'' is available 24/7. Just call (888) 426-4435

3. Dental health

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Giving your dog proper dental care, and cleaning regularly his teeth prevents dental problems and gum diseases. Recent studies have shown that dental diseases can lead to heart, kidneys and liver damage.

Regular visits to the veterinarian help you preserve your dog's dental health, but of course, they have to be associated with daily oral hygiene at home.

Don't forget that a healthy mouth = a healthy body!

4. Bathing and grooming

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If you have a dog, you must know about bathing care and grooming.

Bathing your dog, brushing and grooming him regularly is an important side of pet care, as it keeps him clean, with a healthy coat and skin. Moreover, when bathing and grooming your dog, you have the chance to search for anomalies like dandruff, itchy and dry skin, infections... and get them treated in time.

Regular toenail trims are important as well since overgrown nails can cause pain, and in rare cases provoke irreversible damage to your dog.

5. The ears!

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is important to keep him healthy since dogs get ear problems so often.

Stinky, itchy, and painful ears can make your dog miserable; but with regular cleaning, you can prevent him from having ear problems.

Simply lift the outer ear flap and clean debris and earwax with a cleaning cloth or an ear cleaning solution. Be gentle because your dog's ears are sensitive.

If you notice anything strange like a bad smell, or pain when cleaning, take your pet to the vet to check him out.

6. Teach your dog to socialize

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Teaching your dog to socialize is a crucial part of his training, without it, your dog will grow out to be anxious, fearful, and aggressive. Early training is the best, the sooner you start, the more likely your pooch will transform into a confident, and a great dog.

7. Set boundaries

Too many pets get lost, stolen or killed every year, especially those who are allowed to go out and wander free.

Though our dogs love chilling in fresh air, they should always be surveilled and have a reliable human around them. It's our job to set boundaries and let them know that roaming too far without our protection is not fine.

Microchipping your dog and keeping the chip's details up to date might be of great help in case he gets stolen or lost.

8. Protect your dog from nature elements

As said before, dogs enjoy playing outside, and by doing so, they can become unexpectedly involved in some unpleasant situations or even dangerous ones; for example, they can get cold or sunburned, be poisoned... It's up to us as their owners, to protect and prevent them from being hurt.

9. Visit the vet regularly

Besides vaccines and parasite prevention, your dog needs regular visits to the vet to maintain his health. You should take your pooch to the vet at least once a year to get a full check-up, let the veterinarian notice the slightest changes in your dog's appearance and attitude that could refer to other health problems.

10. Old age care

Our dogs get old eventually, and by that time, they will need our help much more than before as they will start having aches, won't be able to exercise like old times, lose their health little by little.

As their owners, we should cope with these changes, and try improving their age-related issues. Frequent visits to the vet are also important at this point since the risk for significant health problems grows with age.