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Dangerous, Unruly, Aggressive, A threat to society. These are just some of the adjectives that certain dog’s breeds have been called at so...


9 Dog Breeds That Are Completely Misunderstood

Dangerous, Unruly, Aggressive, A threat to society. These are just some of the adjectives that certain dog’s breeds have been called at some point in their history.

Most of the time, when you see an aggressive dog it wasn’t born that way. Dogs become aggressive for a number of reasons. Normally, their aggression is born of fear or possessiveness for example: many dog owners punish aggressive dogs with aggressive behaviour themselves. Rather than the dog learning to behave from this form of punishment, they learn that aggression is an accepted response.

If you're looking to add a dog to your life, before you buy into the bad-dog hype, it's important to know about these misunderstood dog breeds.

1. Pit Bulls

image source : pexels.com

The pit bull has become now the most persecuted dog breed in the United States. Many other countries ban pit bulls as a dangerous breed but there’s no science that bears that idea out.

However he just recently gained that reputation as it was one called “the nanny dog”. He used to be known as a gentle family dog, capable of being trusted to watch children. Which is what attracted people seeking to exploit the pit bulls' numerous qualities such as fierce loyalty, high intelligence, and courage.

2. German Shepherds

German shepherds are smart, massive and they’re often seen on television alongside a police officer attacking someone on the run, so it's no wonder this breed gets a bad reputation for being overly aggressive.

German Shepherds are loyal, brave, and extremely faithful companions, but positive socialization and training are vital to developing trust and loyalty with your pup.

3. Rottweilers

As he's known for his strong body and big teeth, it's easy for the people to be wary of the Rottweiler but people who love Rottweilers know that they’re loyal, Calm, courageous, and love to work.

Rottweilers are known to be ideal companions for children, providing a watchful eye over their loved one. Also known for their intelligence, the breed is easily trained to follow commands. Like most dogs, responsible ownership of animals is essential to ensure that your dog is loving and not aggressive.

4. Boxers

Boisterous, playful, and energetic, Boxers have a lot of energy and their type of hard play can sometimes be mistaken as aggression.

While they may be too rough to babysit your toddler, boxers can be fine family dogs if you can provide enough exercise and training to control their wildness when young.

You should only adopt a boxer if you have the time to dedicate to making sure this dog gets regular exercise and playtime

5. Doberman Pinschers

The Dobie's fierce reputation precedes him. He is feared by those who don't know him, stereotyped as highly aggressive and vicious

They are very strong and muscular and their ears are often cropped to stand erect. But that tough exterior hides a very sensitive dog that can have anxiety if left behind by his owners.

Doberman pinschers are affectionate and sweet with people, if socialized and trained properly. They are loyal to their owners and are good with children if raised with them.

6. Beagles

Beagles are widely considered to be good with other pets and children. They are cheerful dogs that like affection. They prefer company, however, and if left alone, may howl and be destructive. 

Beagles also a powerful sense of smell which lakes them prone to wander off  in pursuit of something. Care must be taken to prevent them from wandering off into harm's way by keeping them contained in a fenced-in yard or on a leash when outside of the house.

They are also extremely food lovers so make sure to keep all human food out of reach.

7. Border Collies

Border collies are highly intelligent, learn quickly and respond well to praise. But If confined without activity and company, these dogs can become unhappy and destructive.

Border collies are extremely energetic dogs need proper physical and mental exercise so they can be difficult pets for owners who don't know how to properly train them.

8. Poodles

Poodles are known for their intelligence and ease of training which makes one of the most desirable dogs by home owners. They are lively, active, fun-loving dogs with a sense of the ridiculous. 

Poodles thrive on attention and can develop bad habits such as nuisance barking if ignored or left alone. However the smaller poodles can be aggressive to people outside their families or to other dogs so they need early training and socialization to avoid aggressive behaviour.

9. Chihuahuas

Chihuahuas are tiny they’re renowned for being the world's smallest dogs, but they may well have the world's biggest personality stashed inside that tiny body. 

Chihuahuas can be very protective of their owner which makes them come as fierce dogs, but a good training and early socialization with other dogs and people is all it takes to make them calm and well behaved.

Overall many breeds are labelled as aggressive and dangerous just because of their owner’s ignorance of their needs and special training necessities. So if you want a dog make sure to thoroughly research all his traits and needs before you make that decision.

If you don’t feel confident about your ability to fulfil those needs they are many lazy dog breeds who would gladly couch with you.
