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There are so many things that i think are crucial for a dog to learn, that’s why it has been a little challenging to come up ...


10 most important things to teach your dog


There are so many things that i think are crucial for a dog to learn, that’s why it has been a little challenging to come up with this list.
We can’t disagree that teaching your little companion tricks like «playing dead» is exciting and funny, but hey, let's not forget about the basics.

This list, in my opinion, will help your pup develop into an obedient, confident and secure dog.

1 - Respond when called 
image source : https://dogfather.tv
The most important thing to teach your dog is coming when called, it might even be a life savior someday.

You want to trust that your dog will respond immediately when you call him; so it is worth taking the time to perfect this command and exercise it often.

There are many distinct methods to teach it to your dog, but i think this is the most successful one.

Start by going indoors in a quiet, distraction-free region, put on your dog's leash; sit on the ground and ask your dog to come while slightly pulling on his leash and when he comes, praise him and reward him immediately by using tasty treats.

When you have the feeling that your dog has mastered this, try removing his leash and doing the same thing but with standing farther away.

Once he masters it in the quiet area, move to a place with distractions (dogs, food, other people...)and start over.

The come order should always be connected to good things; never call your dog to punish him or do a thing he doesn't like.


2 - House training 
image source : http://www.whosaluckydog.com

Teaching your puppy the right time and place to potty at.

House soiling is one of the top reasons dogs are abandoned or put in shelters.

Once the new puppy is home, you should start by taking him outside every 1-2 hours; no one can deny that it's a hard job to do, but the puppy will learn quickly if praised and rewarded every time he does it well.

3- Socialization
image source : https://dogsaholic.com
Let your dog explore; meet new people; other animals, and expose him to a wide variety of sights, sounds, and sensations while encouraging him so he would feel safe around them.

4 - Home alone 
image source : bhg.com.au
Puppies should learn to tolerate being alone or separated from other people and animals because separation anxiety can be a difficult issue. They may become destructive, relieve themselves wherever they want, and bark excessively for as long as they are left alone.
Once the pup is home training should begin, and i believe the puppy must learn to feel comfortable in a crate because it will help the owner a lot through the training process.
Highly emotional comings and goings must be avoided because your feelings can be transmitted to your dog.
Allow your dog to explore and learn to entertain himself, and with consistent training, he will tolerate being left alone.

5 -Chew or not to chew 
image source : https://www.petfinder.com

Puppies and adult dogs love chewing everything, and it can be very frustrating when they decide to target your furniture, shoes... and use them as their chew toys.

Helping them know the appropriate things to chew will leave you confident to give them more freedom.

Start by keeping your little companion in a controlled area with only approved items to chew on, and if you catch him chewing on something inappropriate don't punish him or yell at him, but immediately replace it with something approved.

6 - Car rides
image source : https://www.petsworld.in
and traveling Using a carrier helps to provide a safe place for the puppy, it can also be secured with a seatbelt whether you're in the car or the plane. it's better to use a carrier that is soft, comfortable and very easy to carry.

A plastic kennel would be great for the car if you have a larger dog, And finally, the crash-tested dog harness can also be used for more freedom.

The earlier you crate train your dog the easier this will be because with the security the crate provides the dog should feel calm and safe when moved to the car.

Just sit in the car without turning it on, and let your dog explore it first.

Don't forget praising and rewarding him.

When you feel that he is comfortable, turn the car on.

Try starting by short trips to a fun place like the park so that the dog associates the car with happiness.

7 - Being groomed
image source : https://www.petsworld.in
Training a puppy to cooperate and enjoy a grooming session is a must as you will be giving him frequent baths, trimming his nails, brushing his teeth and examining him.
You should start introducing him to this once he arrives home, so he can get used to being handled and feel comfortable with it.
Be gentle, start slow and let him explore, smell the items you are going to be using before you start grooming him. And don't forget to reward him for being cooperative.

8 -Table manners
image source : https://www.barewalls.com

Barking, whining, and jumping can quickly turn a pleasant meal into a little disaster.

Teach your dog to behave during meal times by placing him in sit and stay position, and making him wait until you are finished.

If he approaches you, place him back in the same position and get back to your meal.

Don't give in to his begging by the table.

Be patient and reward him for his good behavior after you finish eating.

9 -Leave it command 
image source : youtube
Just imagine your dog running over and ingesting a pill you dropped on the ground by accident; this situation can be life-threatening for him.

That's why this command is a life savior and should be taught to all dogs, but sadly dog owners oftenly overlook this command.

10 -I trust you
image source : marketingweek.com
Training your puppy to trust you takes time and requires patience.
I don't know how this is taught exactly, but i think that it comes from the time you spend with your dog playing with him, caring for him, getting him out of unpleasant situations, and protecting him.
He will grow knowing that you will be there for him when needed.He will trust you.

Training a dog can seem pretty hard as it requires time, patience, and consistency, but the sooner you start the happier you will be with your dog as he grows into a confident, trustworthy and a wonderful companion.
