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We love our dogs, we even consider them as important parts of our families, and we care for them so much. But sometimes, and withou...


11 Things You Should NEVER Do to Dogs


We love our dogs, we even consider them as important parts of our families, and we care for them so much.

But sometimes, and without realizing it, our actions can hurt them.

Here are some things you should avoid doing to your dog:

#1 Leaving Harmful Objects Around Him 

Dogs are known to be curious, and like exploring all sorts of things; they can chew and swallow whatever they dig up.

If not supervised, they can get themselves in serious trouble; so never leave harmful and dangerous objects around them, because you don't want your dog having something stuck in his throat, or eating something poisonous.

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#2 Skipping worming and flea treatments 

Never do that! And don't self-diagnose or auto-treat your dog.

Parasites like ticks, fleas, and worms may seem small, but they are dangerous, and they can affect your dog’s skin, vital organs, and immune system.

#3 Always Yelling at your dog 

Dogs don't understand our language, so yelling at them when they do something bad is not the best thing to do.

Yelling at them will only scare and confuse them.

#4 Neglecting your dog’s teeth 

 Regular teeth care is a must for dogs.

Just like humans, dogs get food stuck between their teeth, on gums and teeth walls, brushing them is needed to keep their teeth healthy.

In addition to brushing, you can get your dog a special plastic bone; it can help him clean his teeth while having fun at the same time, and by doing so, save you a lot of vet money.

Also, regular visits to the vet are crucial to follow up with your dog's oral health.

#5 Letting Your dog Eat Everything 

Dogs can't eat everything, some foods might be poisonous for them, so you should be careful about what you give them.

You should as well avoid overfeeding them, dogs don't know when to stop and it can lead to overweight.

This is the list of some foods that are not recommended for dogs.

- Onions contain ''Thiosulphate'' which is toxic for dogs.

- Tomatoes can cause ''Solanine toxicity'' that can be fatal - Citrus foods can upset your dog's stomach - Macadamia nuts - Grapes and raisins - Garlic - Avocados - Xylitol

#6 Leaving Your Dog Alone In A Car

Even if the weather is cold, a car can heat quickly, in fact, a car's temperature can rise by 20 degrees in just 10 minutes, so a dog should never be left alone in it.

Dogs don't sweat like you, so, their body temperature can rise quickly if left alone in a car ant that can lead to deadly consequences.

Signs of overheating: - Excessive drooling - Excessive Wheezing - Looking furious and mad - If they start vomiting, then it’s an emergency!

#7 Choosing The Wrong Collar 

A dog's collar is a necessary accessory of his body, as he will have to wear it all day.

Be sure to choose one that fits your dog perfectly, not too loose and not too tight.

If your dog is playful, loves exploring, then it's better to get him a harness because the collar can cause serious damage to his neck if you try to pull him too hard.

#8 Ear cropping and tail docking 

Some owners crop their dog's ears and dock their tails for purely aesthetic purposes, just to give them more desirable looks, it's nothing but physical and psychological mutilation for our beloved creatures.

Cropping a dog's ears or docking his tail can make it hard for his owner to understand what his puppy is trying to tell him, and difficult to communicate with other dogs, as ears and tail are a big part of a dog's body language.

In addition to that, docking a dog's tail can make him develop a neuroma or a nerve tumor.

Many European countries, Australia and Canada have banned ear cropping, and hopefully, all other countries will join soon.

#9 Tapping on your dog’s nose 

Dogs' noses are very sensitive, they are loaded with thousands of nerve endings and that makes them one of the most delicate parts of their bodies.

Tapping your dog's nose for correction or just for fun may provoke fear that can lead to him being aggressive as a form of self-defense in the long term.

#10 Taking your dog’s food away 

When in an eating dog pack and some are done feeding, they never disturb the ones that are still eating.

Taking your dog's food away or disturbing him while eating may result in some serious issues, as it can make him aggressive, defensive and insecure.

Meanwhile, you can supervise your dog closely without annoying or troubling him, it will make him feel more confident and less insecure.

#11 Dressing your dog 

Dressing your dog in bright colors might seem cute and funny, but, by doing so, you will make it hard for him to socialize with other animals, in fact, bright colors in the animal world are considered poisonous.

In addition to that, some clothes can be too tight or made from unbreathable fabrics, and that can make your pet feel uncomfortable.
